Protein labeling using transglutaminase (TGase) is a smart enzymatic labeling alternative to chemical protein labeling procedures.
PEGylation or site-directed protein labeling with
fluorescent dyes are common examples of TGase labeling.
Zedira’s protein labeling tools are available as
- TGase Protein Labeling Kits
- Individual components
- TGase Labeling Service
Advantages of transglutaminase (TGase) mediated site-specific protein labeling: - Defined degree of labeling
- Defined label position(s)
- Homogenously labeled protein
- Higher solubility in water
- Minimized amounts of unlabeled protein
- No or reduced impact on the bioactivities of labeled proteins
Principle of TGase-catalyzed protein labeling, protein modification, and protein conjugation TGases catalyze the acyl transfer reaction between the γ-carboxamide group of protein-bound glutamine residues and the ε-amino group of protein-bound lysine or primary amines. Thus, primary amines as well as glutamine-containing peptides may carry a broad variety of labels like
PEG or
fluorescent dyes.
Requirements for transglutaminase labelingTransglutaminase protein labeling requires substrate sequences on the target protein surface, which are generally not abundant on proteins:
- Accessible lysine residues
- or accessible glutamine residues
- if no lysine or glutamin residues are accessible, transglutaminase substrate sequence tags can be introduced recombinantly
Examples for utilization of modified proteins - Fluorescence-based HTS-assay
- Diagnostics (antibodies, antibody-binding proteins, lectins etc.)
- Therapeutic proteins (PEGylation)
- Protein immobilization (after biotinylation)
Please find information about
TGase Protein Labeling Kits, the individual components, and Zedira’s
TGase Labeling Service in the respective categories.
In case of any questions just contact us!